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The Walk of Hope

Both our chairman and myself will be under taking this challenge it will start from Saint Pauls Cathedral in London on Sunday 28th of November 2021.

We will be crossing the start line at 1330 hrs our intention is to make for Saint Albans that night.

Why raise money well as we step forward from the issues as a country faced we must secure adequate funding to help us deliver the services to veterans through rehabilitation.

As a nodd to our Regimental back grounds we will also be raising funds as well for The Royal Irish Regimental Welfare Fund / The Rifles Regimental Welfare Fund.

By Thursday of that week we hope to stop at Clive Barracks [Tern Hill] then proceed to Liverpool where we will carry out some Isle of Man engagements with veterans before returning to Liverpool and taking the ferry to Belfast where upon we will cross the finish line at Saint Annes Cathedral in Belfast ,.Donations to Danske Let's Do Veterans Support acc. sort code 95 06 79 acc no. 50133558

Or go to just giving Crowd Funding Page Robert Maxwell Walk of Hope Donate.

Alternately email 08902121859.

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